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Family Dog


Being centrally located in the heart of Texas, Oak Beach at Lake Brownwood is the perfect venue to host your next family reunion! Oak Beach offers beautiful waterfront views along with  spacious, well-landscaped grounds giving y0ur family plenty of space for gathering and having fun! We would love to show you around the property and facilities. Contact us today for more info or to book a tour!


Are you in charge of planning a family reunion? Whether you are working solo or as part of a team, there are many details that you will need to consider. 


With the use of technology and social media, it's easier than ever to stay connected with family regardless of where you all live. But with our busy lives, family and work responsibilities, spending time together face to face is very challenging.  That's why family reunions are so important... to give us time to reconnect on a personal level. 


  • TIME TO CONNECT WITH FAMILY - Many times, family members live far apart from each other, sometimes in other states or other countries, which makes it difficult to connect in person. In days past, families lived in the same town, so everyone knew each other and cousins were able to grow up together, making them the best of friends. A family reunion gives loved ones an opportunity to catch up on each other's lives, and meet extended family and introduce a new spouse or baby to the rest of the family.


  • TIME TO CELEBRATE SPECIAL MILESTONES - New marriages, new babies, milestone anniversaries or special birthdays... these are momentous times in our families that we want to share with each other. A family reunion is a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate these milestone moments with our loved ones. Be sure to incorporate these celebrations into your event schedule. For a family member who has lost loved one during the past year, the reunion provides the entire family the chance to honor that person’s memory and celebrate their life together.


  • TIME TO REMEMBER YOUR HERITAGE - Family reunions are a way of embracing all generations, from the youngest to the oldest, learning about your ancestry and celebrating what makes your family unique.  It's a time for them to come together to learn from each other, to preserve family history, share old family stories with the younger generations, and to pass on timeless traditions and share secret family recipes. Maybe some of the younger generation would like to start a new family tradition to be passed down, and a family reunion is the perfect place to provide them the opportunity to share their own ideas and values to do just that! 


  • TIME TO HAVE FUN - At the end of the day, your family reunion should be packed with loads of fun and memorable moments! And of course, don't forget about the delicious food!  Be sure to allow ample time for plenty of fun activities and quality time for enjoying long chats and sharing meals together. You want your family to enjoy a relaxing and refreshing event that they will remember for a lifetime. 




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